Above the Law Unveils Inaugural Top 50 Law School Rankings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPhank-lsat-blog-above-law-top-50-law-school-rankings
    Legal blog Above the Law has always had the reputation of telling it like it is. Whether calling out weird law school teaching assistants or discrediting breakdowns of diverse law schools, Above the Law has thrived on being brutally honest.

    That’s why it’s no surprise that Above the Law’s first foray into law school rankings follows the same approach.

    Today, Above the Law unveiled its inaugural top 50 law school rankings. From the start, it’s clear what separates their law school rankings from others: An emphasis on job placement. The end of Above the Law’s introductory paragraph says it all: “The time has come for a law school ranking that relies on nothing but employment outcomes.”

    Above the Law surveyed its audience regarding the most important factors in choosing a law school, and “employment data” blew the other options out of the water. As a result, Above the Law’s law school rankings are unique in that they put the emphasis on outcomes of graduating from law school rather than the inputs that got students admitted in the first place. Instead of LSAT scores, GPA and and student scholarships, Above the Law’s law school rankings focus on the jobs acquired upon graduation, the quality (and salaries) of those positions, school costs and alumni satisfaction.

    Read the entire Above the Law post for full methodology.

    If you’re interested in how Above the Law’s law school rankings turned out, however, here are the top 10:

    1. Yale Law School
    2. Stanford Law School
    3. Harvard Law School
    4. University of Chicago Law
    5. University of Pennsylvania Law
    6. Duke Law
    7. University of Virginia Law
    8. Columbia Law
    9. University of California-Berkeley
    10. New York University

    Here are the 2014 US News and World Report law school rankings, if you care to compare.

    Obviously, Above the Law’s law school ranking system won’t sit well with everyone (again, kind of like their blog posts). Above the Law isn’t apologizing for focusing entirely on post-grad job placement rather than prestige or quality of education. That being said, while Above the Law’s law school rankings may never overtake US News and World Report’s law school rankings in terms of popularity, it’s nice to have a new, completely transparent option for weighing what can be one of the most important decisions in someone’s life — picking a law school.

    What do you think of Above the Law’s brand new law school rankings? Is job placement the most important factor for you? Chime in in the comments.

    And please, feel free to be honest. Above the Law wouldn’t have it any other way.

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