By Linda Abraham, founder & president of Accepted
What are admissions committees at top law schools looking for when reviewing applications? What sorts of qualities, skills, and experiences do they seek? What types of people do they want in their next law school class? And what can you do to highlight these sought-after characteristics?
How can you present yourself so that the law school adcoms are instantly smitten by your application?
Here are 5 things you can do to create a super impressive application that the law school adcom will love:
1. Show your likability
Contrary to traditional lawyer jokes, good lawyers are good, caring people who like people and whom people like back. They must be good conversationalists who contribute to class discussions and engage with professors and other students in a positive, courteous way. They must be articulate.
Want the adcom to love you? Make sure they can clearly see how loveable you are by demonstrating these qualities in a thoughtful personal statement and in positive letters of recommendation.
2. Bump up your interesting-factor
Your LSAT score and GPA are important, and law schools want students who can excel academically. But they also want students who are interesting – people with unique hobbies and pursuits outside of the classroom. Make sure you discuss some of your extracurricular passions, ideally activities that you’ve been involved with for a significant length of time.
3. Speak up on diversity
Cultural diversity is always a plus, but here we’re talking about highlighting your diverse background in any number of areas; law school isn’t just for debate team poli-sci majors, but for engineers, farmers, math teachers, and professional acrobats as well. Diversity comes in all shapes in sizes, so think creatively about how your unique “differentness” can help contribute to a diverse and interesting law school class and future legal mind.
4. Showcase your legal love
Adcoms are looking for future lawyers who know what they’re getting themselves into. You don’t need to know what sort of law you plan on practicing or which firms you want to work at, but you do need to highlight what it is about law that attracts you and interests you. Is it the analytical thinking? The research and writing? Working with people? Do you have any legal experience you can share?
5. Demonstrate your writing ability
Schools love diversity and love seeing folks from all walks of life discussing important legal issues inside the classroom and through the hallways and at the lunch table. But there is one thing that is common to all of these people: strong critical thinking and writing skills. No matter what sort of lawyer you envision yourself as, you will be reading and writing a lot, and you will need to be good at it.
Looking for more tips? The law school admissions experts at Accepted have got you covered with an in-depth, advice-filled admissions guide. Grab your free copy of The Law School Admissions Guide: 8 Tips for Success today!
Linda Abraham is the founder and president of Accepted and the host of the Admissions Straight Talk Podcast. Accepted has been helping law school applicants gain acceptance to top schools since 1994. Explore Accepted’s application packages or law school admissions consulting and move one step closer to attending law school.