Yuko Sin

Yuko Sin

Yuko is in his final year at Columbia Law School where he is a member of the Law Review and the founding (and only, as far as we can tell) member of the Gordon Ramsay and Law Society. In his spare time, Yuko likes perfecting his green curry paste—it might need more green chilies—, and riding his long board through Central Park. He is fond of the Logical Reasoning section of the LSAT because it only requires him to concentrate for about a minute and a half at a time. LR is also half the test, so there’s more of it to love. His writing is influenced by Stephen King, both because he enjoys horrifying readers—did you know your law school loan payments will be to the tune of about $3,000 a month?—and because he likes King's no nonsense, plain English writing style. Yuko once had to teach his LSAT class with a screaming yoga group meeting next door. He thought the added stress perfectly simulated actual LSAT test conditions.