Logical Reasonings

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. If you’ll be in Los Angeles next weekend, you should definitely RSVP to the event we’re holding at Southwestern Law School on September 9th. Free food, prizes, great info on the LSAT and law school, and a $400 discount on our in-class Blueprint course and a fee waiver to apply to Southwestern Law await. Southwestern Law

    B. If you’re not in LA but would like some sweet discount action, RSVP to the two webinars we’ll be hosting on September 12th. These will cover the LSAT and the law school admissions process, and you’ll score a $300 discount on our in-class course and $75 discount on the first month of an online course that you missed today. Blueprint LSAT

    C. California’s bar exam is one step closer to being much easier to pass. Above the Law

    D. And current attorneys — who apparently don’t want any hungry, entitled Millennials encroaching on their turf — say California Bar Exam should not be made easier. ABA Journal

    E. The New Jersey Law Journal cited our survey about the Trump bump to people pursuing legal careers, so Jodi Teti took back everything bad she’s ever said about the Jersey Shore. New Jersey Law Journal

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