Why the December LSAT is so Sneaky

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPnick-lsat-blog-december-lsat-sneaky
    The December LSAT is dangerous. Not because it’s a harder test; myths about some exam sessions being consistently more difficult than others are complete and utter poppycock (please excuse my profanity). No, the December LSAT is dangerous for an entirely different reason – it’s sneaky.

    I know what you’re thinking: all LSATs are sneaky, employing double negatives, horribly convoluted arguments, and worse grammar than George W. The December LSAT is no exception. But this one is doubly sneaky, like stealthy ninja sneaky, for if you’re not wary, you may find yourself taken by surprise at how quickly the December LSAT test day arrives.

    Part of the problem is that the December LSAT follows so closely on the heels of the October exam while other exams are separated by up to four months. Apparently LSAC has difficulty dividing 12 months into 4 even cycles. Math was never my strong suit, either. However, two months is more than enough time to prepare for the LSAT as long as you use your time appropriately and stay on top of your studying. And a lot can still be accomplished in these last few weeks before the December LSAT. To make the most of it, create a study plan that focuses on your weaknesses and includes a maximum of two practice exams a week followed by extensive review, then buckle down for some intense study sessions and be glad you only had to spend two months preparing for the December LSAT instead of four.

    Another issue for a lot of students is the overlap with law school applications, which open in the fall and are accepted on a rolling basis. This leads many students to split their time between studying for the December LSAT and working on their applications. This is silly. The LSAT is unquestionably the single most important part of your application, so shortchanging your study to get your application together a few weeks earlier makes little sense. Focus on the December LSAT for the next three weeks, get that awesome score you deserve, and then you can worry about getting your application together. Getting a higher December LSAT score will more than compensate for the loss of a couple weeks working on your application.

    Lastly, I also believe a bit of blame lies with a particular jolly, fat old bearded man, delicious gobbling birds, and, of course, jack o’ lanterns. That is, the fall months are full of holidays, and looking forward to all of them can make the time in between seem to fly by. It’s also easy to lose an entire weekend to drunken Halloween exploits, and another in a turkey-induced coma followed by wild shopping sprees. Don’t let this happen to you. Be an LSAT Grinch this holiday season. Bring logic games to the Thanksgivings dinner table, use your homework as an excuse to avoid doing the dishes, and be thankful for that awesome score you’ll soon get on the December LSAT.

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