How To Create a 4-Week Step 2 CK Study Plan

  • Reviewed by: Amy Rontal, MD
  • Here’s our advice for how to study for the USMLE Step 2 CK in just one month.

    If you need to prepare for Step 2 CK in about a month, there are many approaches to setting up a successful 4-week Step 2 CK study plan. Here’s our breakdown of the best advice for preparing for the culmination of M3, the USMLE Step 2 CK.

    Use rotations to your advantage

    In a recent blog post, Rhodes Hambrick, MD, writes that “there is no better time to consolidate clinical medical knowledge pertinent to Step 2 CK than during your core clinical rotations.” By talking to our customers, we have discovered similar advice, i.e. studying during rotations and taking each Shelf exam seriously will do wonders for your Step 2 CK score. For example, we interviewed a med student (and prolific Redditor) who scored a 268 on Step 2 CK, and his advice involved using targeted resources for each Shelf exam. By the time he was preparing for Step 2 CK, he was able to spend just one month redoing UWorld (about 2 to 3 blocks per day) and relying on his Anki deck.

    Choose the right Step 2 CK resources

    Other students will want a more robust 4-week study schedule for Step 2 CK. This approach will involve using qbanks and textbooks. While UWorld’s qbank has been long-regarded as essential for preparing for the Step 2 CK, OnlineMedEd’s clinical video series also enjoys broad support among med students. We find that currently, 48.8% of our customers are adding OME to their Cram Fighter study plans on a regular basis.

    For textbooks, students may want to choose between First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK, Master the Boards, and Step-up to Medicine. For a complete list of popular Step 2 CK resources, check out

    Build your own Step 2 CK 4-week study plan

    Studying for Step 2 CK in one month may be difficult, but remember that you’re not the first to tackle this challenge. To get a sense of how to structure your studying, check out our list of free 4-week USMLE Step 2 CK sample schedules. You’ll also find that there’s a wide variety of Step 2 CK sample schedules created by different students and med schools if you google for them. Use these for inspiration, and then create your own study plan by starting a 7-day free trial at

    About the Author

    Erica Forrette is the former Director of Marketing at Cram Fighter.