How To Build a 4-Week USMLE Step 1 Study Schedule

  • Reviewed by: Amy Rontal, MD
  • Is your Step 1 exam only a month away? There’s still time to organize your Step 1 resources into a study schedule that will ensure you get everything done.

    Don’t panic! You still have time to prepare for your USMLE Step 1 exam. Cram Fighter can help you build an effective study plan even if your exam is just 4 weeks away. You can use Cram Fighter now to organize your own custom short-term study schedule for June and July exams.

    Here is a sample 4-week study schedule based on what we have seen some Cram Fighter customers create for a short-term plan. You can also download a pdf version here. This sample schedule uses the following resources:

    • First Aid for the USMLE Step 1
    • Pathoma
    • Qbank of your choice

    This sample schedule calls for between 6 to 10 hours/day of studying. It also includes some practice exam days so you can measure your progress via your practice test scores as you go along. Your own schedule may need to diverge from this sample schedule, based on the results of these practice tests (for example, you may need to prioritize certain subjects depending on your performance).

    Please keep in mind: this is a sample schedule only and is meant to serve as a guideline. It is not intended to be the final say for what your particular schedule should look like. You should organize your schedule based on your subject strengths and weaknesses, and customize this sample schedule with your own particular resources chosen. Note that you may need to increase the hours/day you study, for example, if you add more than the resources listed into your own schedule.

    Finally, there are catch-up days listed, which you can choose to incorporate into your own schedule, or not. We always recommend catch-up days so you have these days baked in to your schedule if you fall behind with your study tasks. You got this!

    About the Author

    Erica Forrette is the former Director of Marketing at Cram Fighter.