MCAT Chemistry Question — Solid to Gas

  • Reviewed By: Liz Flagge
  • The following is a phase diagram showing the transition from solid to gas as heat is added to a substance:

    Which of the following correctly indicates the relationship between the regions of the graph and the corresponding phases:

    A) 1: solid, 2: phase change from solid to liquid, 5: gas

    B) 2: solid, 3: phase change from solid to liquid, 4: liquid

    C) 1: phase change from solid to liquid, 4: gas

    D) 1: solid, 2: phase change from liquid to gas, 3: liquid


    The diagram shows the relationship between heat added to a substance and its temperature. It shows that during phase changes there is no change in the temperature. The regions noted are:

    1: solid

    2: phase change from solid to liquid (melting / fusion)

    3: liquid

    4: phase change from liquid to gas (boiling / vaporization)

    5: gas

    Only choice (A) correctly indicates these regions.

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