MCAT Biology Question — Virus vs. Bacterium

  • Reviewed By: Liz Flagge
  • An infectious agent is probably a virus instead of a bacterium if it:

    1. Lacks membrane-bound organelles
    2. Cannot reproduce in acellular culture
    3. Has a length of 1μm, about the size of a mitochondrion
    4. Contains DNA


    Viruses possess DNA or RNA but not both, require a host cell’s reproductive machinery in order to reproduce, and have a size 10-100nm. For the MCAT: eukaryotic cell > bacterium (roughly size of mitochondrion) > virion (roughly size of protein,  roughly 100x smaller than bacterium, 1000x smaller than eukaryotic cell, cannot be seen with optical microscope).

    A. Lacks membrane-bound organelles: Incorrect. Both viruses and bacteria lack membrane-bound organelles.

    B. Cannot reproduce in acellular culture: Correct. Viruses require host cells in order to reproduce.

    C. Has a length of 1μm, about the size of a mitochondrion: Incorrect. This is the size of a bacterium.

    D. Contains DNA: Incorrect. Both bacteria and viruses may contain DNA.

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