Blueprint LSAT Blog: Logical Reasonings

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June 2022 LSAT Exam Predictions

Semi-interesting news for all of you June LSAT testers, a third main test day will NOT be added for this administration. The main testing days will be Friday, June 10th and Saturday, June 11th. Accommodated and international LSAT testing will be on Tuesday, June 14th. Great, now that we’ve got the logistical information sorted and

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Logical Scream-onings

A. Don’t forget you ghouls and goblins, we’re running a contest for Halloween week here at Ghost Strongly Supported. Post your best LSAT- or law-related Halloween costume or pumpkin carving on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with #booprint for a chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card. Blueprint LSAT B. Scary that Roy Moore, the

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Logical Reasonings 10.1.15

A. What’s more shocking… There’s a lunch thief loose at Cornell Law School or Ruth Bader Ginsburg lunch bags exist?! Above the Law B. Barrack Obama: 44th President of the United States of America and Wildlife Survival Expert-In-Training? The Telegraph C. A Court of Appeals ruled that replicas of the Batmobile infringed on copyright law. Deadline D.

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Logical Reasonings – Health Care Edition

A) The Supreme Court takes on Obamacare. Huffington Post. B) Check out some political implications of the heath care bill. CBS News. C) Not sure who wins and who loses with Obamacare? An easy infographic. CNN. D) What about the children in the health care debate? TheOnion. E) Here’s a quick thought on conservatives chiming

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Logical Reasoning

A) While many people stress and sit to take the most important exam in their life, Tennessee decides to be a little different. Above the Law. B) How much do you want to bet VH1 and MTV are already making bids to make this into a show. Above the Law. C) The real problem for

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Logical Reasonings/Armageddon Edition

A) For all of you who didn’t know, tomorrow is a very important day. Like, super important. We Can Know. B) And there have already been a few early signs. I guess this would make Randy Savage a prophet or something, right? TMZ. C) And this would be the modern-day version of the immaculate conception.

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Logical Reasonings, Assassination Edition

A) There was a new record for tweets per second yesterday. Apparently, killing a bearded dude in Pakistan causes all kinds of hubbub. Los Angeles Times. B) Unfortunately, we did not manage to kill the idea of terrorism yesterday. Maybe tomorrow. ABC News. C) There is some question as to whether or not we should

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Logical Reasonings/Royal Wedding Edition

A) We can’t tell you what her dress will look like, but we can give you a rundown how things should go. CNN. B) And if you have any doubts, Time’s got you covered. Time. C) When you wake up and can’t check your stocks (or Facebook, let’s be real), this is why. AOL Tech.