The Way Forward

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPanna-lsat-blog-post-december-lsat

    The December LSAT was this past Saturday, which, huzzah, you’re done with studying for the dang thing. But what if you feel like you didn’t do as well as you wanted?

    First of all, did you really do as poorly as you thought you did? Or are you someone who is always convinced that you did terribly after every exam (“I swear, I failed that test!”), but it always turns out that you did fine (“Never mind, I got an A.”)? In other words, are you a Chicken Little, convinced the world is going to end because you might’ve gotten a few problems wrong (which is perfectly normal, by the way)? If that’s the case, take a breather. Go get some exercise, catch up on your favorite shows, and hang out with friends. You probably did fine, and you just need some time to just chill out.

    What if you really are very, very sure that you did terribly? Say, you panicked, couldn’t finish every section, and your answer sheet looked more like a barren wasteland than a seemingly random pattern with a questionable number of ‘C’ answers? There’s still time to cancel your score. You just need to fill out this form and submit it by this Friday. Of course, if you cancel your score, law schools will be able to see that when you apply. But, if your score really is as terrible as you’re quite certain it will be, a canceled score is probably the way to go. Just be sure that you really did do terribly, because you will have to take the February LSAT, and many schools’ application deadlines will have passed or most of the entering classes slots will already be filled. This means that you may have to apply to law school next year.

    If you’re really not sure if you did terribly—it could go either way, or you could simply have done a little less well than you would have liked—then wait and see, and strategize in the meantime. Ask yourself what the lowest acceptable score is for you before you’d retake the LSAT in February and, in all likelihood, delay your law school application. Is it just that you had a problem area in which a breakthrough was really close, but you couldn’t get there before the test? Or that you didn’t give yourself enough time to study, and another two months would make a huge difference? If you feel as though how you did this past test doesn’t accurately reflect how you really can do with more preparation, then consider taking the test again and reapplying for law school next year. A difference of more than a few points can not only affect the schools you get into, but how much money you get from the schools that accept you, so it would be worth delaying your entry into law school.

    There’s no need to start studying quite yet, if you’re in this last category. You should still take the next month to relax and enjoy the holidays, recharging for law school applications or the February LSAT. But, while the test is still fresh, think about any particular areas you had difficulty with on the test and in your preparation leading up to the test, so you know what to focus on if you do have to take the test again.

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