Read this to avoid June LSAT gloom.

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPalex-lsat-blog-earth-day-lsat-prep-environment
    Blueprint classes for the June LSAT are getting started soon (a few are already underway). It’s a good time to talk about where the June LSAT puts you in terms of the law school application cycle.

    If you’re taking the June LSAT, you’re looking at applying to law school this fall to start in fall 2018. Application deadlines for fall 2017 have come and gone. Law schools made some exceptions to their deadlines when applications were falling and they were desperate for students, but it looks like applications are on the way up right now.

    If you’re planning on taking the June LSAT, the good news is that you’re early in the cycle. You can take the LSAT and have your score in hand before you even have to worry about the rest of your application. You won’t even be able to submit your application for a few months after you get your score.

    Maybe the biggest advantage of being so early is that you get a second chance that’s still early. If you end up thinking the June LSAT wasn’t your best and you want to give it another shot, or if you end up deciding you’re not quite ready in June, you’re still in good shape. The next LSAT is in September, and guess what: if you take the September LSAT, you’re still early. You can still apply for Early Decision or Early Action. Even if you don’t, you’ll have time to get your applications in on the early side.

    You even have a third chance in December. If you take the December LSAT, you’re not early anymore but you’re not late either. You’ll want to get those applications in right when your score comes out, but if you do you’ll be fine. Keep in mind, though, that you’re limited to three LSAT administrations within a two-year period. So be careful about just taking the LSAT again and again unless you know you’re ready.

    Some of you may be studying now with September as your goal. That’s a long time to study. All that time can be a good thing and a bad thing. It’s good, of course, because you’ll have lots of opportunity to really master things. The downside is that most people don’t dream of forking six months of their lives over to the LSAT — it can be hard to stay focused on the test for that long.

    So if you’re shooting for September, here’s your plan. Follow the curriculum in your June class. But focus on mastering concepts. Don’t worry too much about how quickly you answer the questions — it’s about really understanding how to approach them and being confident in what makes the answers right or wrong. Don’t go crazy and take additional practice tests; you’ll want to save those. After the June LSAT, take a week off. You’ll need the recharge. Then devote the remaining time to improving your weak areas and taking and reviewing a bunch of practice tests.

    Good luck, no matter which LSAT you’re planning to take. And if you’re thinking about starting law school in fall 2018 but you haven’t done anything about the LSAT yet, consider studying for the June LSAT. The advantages are real and you’re not too late.

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