A) Blueprint is hosting a video contest on Facebook. Grand prize wins a free LSAT course, and second place wins a $400 voucher off an LSAT class. (Tip: Get your video in early. As soon as it’s approved, it can start earning votes!) Facebook.
B) What does Jeremy Lin have to do with the LSAT? Stereotype threat, of course. Time.
C) The University of Texas was recently ranked the No. 1 sexually active campus in the country. Just what do you have to say for yourselves, Austin LSAT prep students? Culture Map.
D) According to one Vermont senator, Wall Street is to blame for these high gas prices. Maybe move the stock market to a less commutable city? CNN.
E) Playboy is planning to build a strip club in space. Much like the magazine, most of the establishment’s customers are expected to be University of Texas students. The Week.