A) This has to be the most fascinating LSAT-related Craigslist ad in the history of the internet. Someone in Laguna Beach is willing to pay $10,000 (ten grand!) for a full-time tutor for the December LSAT. His goal is a 160. This person’s tried courses and books, but apparently a Rocky-style montage under the guidance of a really smart Mick is the only option. Craigslist.
B) Hey, Blueprint students in Austin. Here are three local examples of what you can do with that impending law degree. The Daily Texan.
C) Remember eBay? Apparently you bid on an hour of conversation with a lawyer on there now. Above the Law.
D) Not sure if you heard or not, but Muammar Gadaffi is dead. What are the legal ramifications? Guardian.
E) Two guaranteed things you are going to say when you visit this website: 1) “Oh my god, who would buy that?” and 2) “Oh my god, I want to buy that.” This Is Why I’m Broke.