Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Good for Texas A&M School of Law, maybe less good for people planning on going to Texas A&M School of Law. That school improved its median LSAT score more than any other law school since 2010. Above the Law

    B. An Australian law professor surmises that junior attorneys are an “endangered species” at law firms, since their work will be increasingly automated. So … get those checks while you can, young lawyers. Legal Cheek

    C. On the other hand, some discussions of the career opportunities for young attorneys are taking a rosier outlook. Above the Law

    D. Who says lawyers aren’t fighting the good fight? This attorney just won a lawsuit against Ticketmaster after the corporation refused to refund the $2300 Hamilton tickets the lawyer accidentally purchased. With a clear sense of perspective, the attorney called the victory “Hamiltonian.” Clearly the courtroom is the room where it (justice) happens. Texas Lawyer

    E. The California bar exam results were dreadful, and people are still wondering how it could have happened. National Jurist

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