Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Great news! We are extending our Blueprint’s Labor Day Sale! You now have until Wednesday at 11:49 pm Pacific to get $300 off our classroom course (use promo code LABORDAY300) and $75 off the first month of an online course subscription (use promo code: LABORDAY75). Blueprint LSAT

    B. Something big is happening on LSAC’s website on September 12 … something involving really big gourds. @Official_LSAT

    C. Here are some honest takeaways an anonymous 1L has about the first few weeks at a T14 law school. Above the Law

    D. The Senate confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh began today, in which Senate Democrats raised a lot of concerns about the expedited nature of the confirmation. We’ll see if all the fuss will be for Kava-naught when the Senate finally gets around to the vote. Vox

    E. Protesters were also a vocal presence at the confirmation hearings, including one whom Senator Orrin Hatch referred to as a “loudmouth” who he hoped was “not a law student.” Perhaps, like the “Trump bump,” this will lead to a surge in law school applicants from the Resistance. The Hatch batch? The Orrin swore-in (once they pass the bar)? We’ll workshop this one. The Hill

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