Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. ETS just released a study that concluded the GRE can predict law school performance just as well as the LSAT. Not to get all ad hominem, but ETS makes the GRE. Wiley Online Library

    B. Many law students who crushed 1L might be looking to transfer to greener pastures now that it’s summer. Here are some advice on doing just that. Above the Law

    C. The President of the American Bar Association will visits Texas-Mexico border to see how attorneys can help in family re-unification. ABA Journal

    D. Meanwhile, an attorney who’s already on the border, as a member of the ABA’s asylum project, describes representing asylum-seeking Central Americans. ABA Journal

    E. The price you pay for stuff on Amazon might go up a little bit, courtesy of the Supreme Court. CNN Money

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