Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. We have two webinars — one on the LSAT and one on law school admissions — coming up next Wednesday, May 16. If you attend either, you’ll get big discounts on our classroom and online courses! Just RSVP right here. Blueprint LSAT

    B. Great news! LSAC just posted the registration deadlines for the September 8 LSAT! LSAC

    C. … Except that’s not really great news if you’re taking the July LSAT. The deadline to sign up for the September LSAT is July 23, the same day as the July test. So if you decide you want another shot after July? You have literally just a few hours to decide. LSAC

    D. Oh and registration fees are now $190, up from $180. And CAS fees are up $10 as well. LSAC

    E. IDK ¯_(ツ)_/¯ This kind of stuff can make you want to fight the man. If that’s you’re thing, here are the law schools with the highest percentage of graduates pursuing public interest work. Above the Law

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