Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. LSAC has $1.5 million this coming year for programs and fee waivers to help students from underrepresented groups go to law school. LSAC

    B. The GRE nets another one with Brooklyn Law School. PR Newswire

    C. Dr. Phil, Medicine Man has a son who is a lawyer and that son who is a lawyer is developing a sitcom based on his law school experience. Law.com

    D. Today is oral arguments for the most publicized SCOTUS case this session, the wedding cake case (Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission). SCOTUSblog

    E. Despite Michael Flynn taking a plea deal (in which one would pleas guilty, to be clear), some are organizing a legal defense fund for the former Trump national security advisor. Newsweek

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