A. Trying to save for law school can be daunting, but here’s a potential solution: A prospective UVA student is living in a van (presumably down by a river) before matriculation. Daily Progress
B. A small brewery created a beer called the “Dilly Dilly IPA,” in reference to Bud Light’s current slogan and your dad’s favorite commercial. The Bud Light legal team spared the brewer from the pit of despair, but did send a town crier to the brewery to deliver a cease and desist letter. Above the Law
C. Also in questionable legal strategies, Trump’s attorney claimed that a president technically cannot obstruct justice. Legal experts say that is technically incorrect. Washington Post
D. The Supreme Court, meanwhile, allowed the third version of the travel ban to go into effect in its entirety, effectively blocking travel from 8 predominately Muslim countries. NY Times
E. If there are three things we can all agree on in this divided country, they are: (1) the rich have it way too tough, (2) our health care system works too well, and (3) our natural splendor is too well-protected. While the White House works on fixing the first two, Trump just fixed that last problem. NPR