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Logical Reasonings

A. The California Bar has some harsh words for the California Supreme Court, which wants to lower the minimum passage requirement for the California Bar Exam. ABA Journal

B. Protests are alive at even the top law schools, as students at Harvard Law are protesting the transgender ban in the military as JAG officers recruit on their campus. The Harvard Crimson

C. Some tips for how those with a legal background can help Florida recover from Hurricane Irma. Daily Business Review

D. The “master negotiator” is close to a deal with the congressional Democrats to renege on his campaign promises and executive order and protect DREAMERs from deportation with little in return … which, I mean, thank goodness. Bloomberg

E. The makers of the popular sparking beverage LaCroix won’t reveal what’s in it. They call the sugar and GMO-free flavoring the beverage’s “essence” — hopefully it’s not LaCroix-sonous. Grubstreet