Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Tomorrow, we’re holding a big event at Southwestern Law School in sunny LA, and if you haven’t yet reserved your space, now is the last chance. We’re going to be giving an overview of the LSAT and the law school admissions process, raffling off prizes, and offering choice hors d’oeuvres. Oh and by attending, you’ll get a $400 discount on our classroom course. RSVP right here. Southwestern Law

    B. Or, perhaps you’re more of an inside person? In that case, from the comfort of your own home, you can get great info on the LSAT and law school admissions process, and get a $300 discount on the in-class Blueprint course or a $75 discount on the first month of an online subscription course, by RSVPing and attending either of the two webinars we’re putting on Tuesday, September 12th. Blueprint LSAT

    C. The Justice Department filed a brief in defense of the baker who refused to bake a cake for a gay wedding, which feels as unnecessary as it does discriminatory. ABA Journal

    D. The legacy of the now-deceased Charlotte School of Law: The bar passage in North Carolina rose significantly following the school’s closure. Above the Law

    E. Maybe these Equifax executives need to lawyer up? They sold $2 million worth of Equifax stock days after the breach but well before the breach was disclosed to the public. Work hard this weekend to crush the LSAT, and soon you’ll be able to represent (or take down) clients just like this. NPR

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