Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. We’re celebrating the 11-point increase our students average with an 11-point discount. Save 11% on a Blueprint classroom course by entering promo code PLUS11 at checkout. Blueprint LSAT

    B. Or, if you’re in Los Angeles this weekend and want to get some info on the LSAT and our classroom course, attend Saturday’s event at Southwestern Law School. By attending, you’ll get a $400 discount on our classroom course. RSVP right here. Southwestern Law

    C. Alternatively, you can still learn about the LSAT, our classroom course, and the law school admissions process to boot if you attend one of the two webinars we’re putting on next Tuesday, September 12th. Attend either and you’ll get a $300 discount on the in-class Blueprint course or a $75 discount on the first month of an online subscription course. Gah, so many discounts. Blueprint LSAT

    D. The NFL season is starting tonight, and what’s an NFL season without a prolonged legal battle that will decide a player’s (and, less importantly, fantasy football owners’) fate? And what could be more NFL than both sides of the battle being, let’s say, less than sympathetic? America’s sport! Sports Illustrated

    E. Another legal battle is brewing, but this one with little gray area: Fifteen states and D.C. have sued the Trump administration, alleging that its decision to end the DACA program violates the due process rights of the young immigrants and was unconstitutionally motivated by racial animus. NPR

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