A. When you mess with rich, entitled millennials’ Instagrammable experiences, you stir the hornet’s nest. So it should come as no surprise that disastrous Fyre Festival has just been hit with a third lawsuit. NPR
B. Whittier Law School’s last Hail Mary attempt to find a buyer has come up short, so it looks like it is closing its doors for good once the last of its current students graduate. JD Journal
C. Here’s a sober, step-by-step breakdown of the Affordable Health Care Act’s likely impact, should the current version pass through the Senate and be signed into law. Wall Street Journal
D. Stephen Hawking says we have just 100 years to colonize another planet before we go extinct. Fantastic. CNBC
E. In lighter news: Only in Florida would you find race dogs that tested positive for cocaine. And only in Tampa would you have someone clarify that there have “been other cases of greyhounds testing positive for cocaine … but never so many in such a short time frame in one kennel at one track.” May all your weekends be as lit as this kennel. Tampa Bay Times