Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A. Tomorrow, join us for a stem-to-stern appraisal of the law school admissions process. It’s a webinar to remember! Blueprint LSAT

    B. So, apparently there’s a law school in Texas that changed its name to something suspiciously similar (read nearly identical) to a much more prestigious law school nearby. We wonder why they’d do such a thing. Above the Law

    C. Here’s a story that counters the negative law school news drumbeat of the past few years. ABA Journal

    D. Converse is creating sneakers with built-in guitar petals because we’ve all been waiting for like fifty years for this already. What took so long? Uproxx

    E. Some, erm, less than favorable information about Michael Jackson has come out, seven years after he died. His family denies its veracity. ET Online

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