Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A) Do you want a FREE copy of The Blueprint for LSAT Logic Games? Of course you do. Get it while it’s hot. Blueprint LSAT Prep

    B) We’ve got a laundry list of live LSAT classes starting in the next week, and you could be in one of them. Blueprint LSAT Prep

    C) Surprise! It turns out that your chances of getting into a higher-ranked law school are better if you have a higher LSAT score. U.S. News

    D) The verdict is in: Not only are butt dials awkward and potentially embarrassing, but you don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy for them. Bloomberg

    E) Here’s a movement both parties can get behind: Obama issuing an executive order to keep Jon Stewart from leaving the show. Newsweek

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