Logical Reasonings

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • A) Will there be more law school waitlist activity than normal this summer? One application consultant guesses yes. Spivey Consulting

    B) 3 recommendations for the law school graduating class of 2015: Manage your debt, study your ass off for the bar, and always be on the lookout for new opportunities. Above the Law

    C) Why finding a mentor matters for young law professionals. Ms. JD

    D) The Senate has only approved two judicial nominees this year, and [sarcasm font] I frankly can’t believe that Washington politicians are being slow and irascible. [/sarcasm font] Wall Street Journal

    E) Someone mashed up two of my favorite things of 2015: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and Mad Max: Fury Road. Unsurprisingly, it’s one of my favorite things of 2015. Vulture

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