Join Blueprint in L.A. for Southwestern Law Day on Saturday, October 29th!

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPgreg-lsat-blog-admissions-seminar-southwestern1
    The historic Bullocks Wilshire building, snapped at a snazzy angle.

    Will you be in Los Angeles (or thereabouts) on October 29th? If so, you must drop whatever you’re doing and attend Southwestern Law Day. What’s the big deal? Glad you asked!

    Southwestern will be presenting scads of useful information on law school, including what they call The Four Cornerstones to Law School Success: Learning, Mentorship, Support, and Involvement. Knowing how to approach law school right from the start is an important facet of success, and one that lots of entering students miss.

    Here are just a few of the events and bonuses of attendance:

    1. Seminar — “Representing the People, Not the Powerful: Getting Justice for the Injured Victim.”
    2. Hear from current and former students about how their externships advanced their legal careers.
    3. Attend a catered reception and take a campus tour.
    4. All attendees will receive an application fee waiver and a chance to win an ebook scholarship.

    This event runs from 2pm to 7pm in the historic Bullocks Wilshire building that houses Southwestern Law School. Parking and admission are free, so come and learn and nosh and see the sights!

    There will also be a Blueprint LSAT workshop later in the evening, so, if you need a little more information about that whole situation, we’ve got you covered!

    RSVP here because available spots will run out soon.

    Hope to see you there!

    P.S. Even if you can’t make it, tell a law school-bound friend about it. He or she will be forever in your debt.

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