Good Luck on the June LSAT, From All of Us at Blueprint

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPhank-lsat-blog-good-luck-june-lsat
    On behalf of everyone here at Blueprint LSAT Prep, we want to wish you the best of luck on Monday’s June LSAT. We know you’ve been working hard for the last couple months, and we’re sure you’ll crush it.

    After you take the June LSAT, be sure to visit Most Strongly Supported. We’ll have an Instant Recap of the LSAT soon after everyone’s taken the exam. You’ll be able to read the national reaction to the June LSAT, as well as contribute your own thoughts in the comments. We usually get a ton of comments on our Instant Recaps, so you don’t want to miss out.

    A couple things to remember on LSAT test day:

    The LSAC does not mess around when it comes to what you can and can’t bring on LSAT test day. We’ve heard countless horror stories of people being turned away from their LSAT testing center because they did not bring the proper requirements necessary to take the LSAT. And for the love of Pete, do not bring your cell phone.

    Don’t get distracted by proctors. I would suggest sitting as far away from them as possible. Due to the importance of LSAT test days, nobody anticipates a proctor is going to be disruptive, but trust me: It happens. Some of them play Angry Birds. Some of them chew gum. Most of them distract. Be weary.

    Good luck again, everyone. Make us proud.

    See you on Monday for the June LSAT!

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