Getting Prepared to Make the Most Out of Your Thanksgiving

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPalex-lsat-blog-lsat-prep-tips-thanksgiving-thanksgivukkah

    Thanksgiving is fast approaching, which means you may be doing some combination of: cleaning your house, debating which Thanksgiving foods are best, and preparing your Black Friday shopping list.

    Regardless of your preferred activities, Thanksgiving also means that you likely get at least a little time off from work/school/whatever else occupies the bulk of your time normally. Sure, you’ll be spending at least some of that time lying on your couch in a food coma, but hopefully you’ll be able to spend some of it on the LSAT as well. If so, here are a few suggestions for how to spend that time:

    1. A full practice test

    It can be hard to find the time to take a full practice test, especially if you include a fifth section to simulate the experimental section. Having a day or two that’s free from your normal commitments can be a great opportunity to test your skills on a full test.

    2. Refreshing your memory on topics you haven’t studied in a while

    When you’re deep in the trenches of studying for the LSAT, the to-do list can feel overwhelming: You want to keep learning new stuff, but you also might need a refresher on things you haven’t covered in a while. Having some extended time off can be a good chance to double back and re-learn anything that might have gotten fuzzy in your memory.

    3. Digging into those books

    Lastly, if you’re just beginning your LSAT journey and haven’t begun studying in earnest yet, this is an excellent chance to kick-start your studies. And on that note… be on the lookout for a special announcement on Monday to kick off Cyber Week!

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