Blueprint LSAT Prep’s New Website is Live!

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPhank-lsat-blog-blueprint-lsat-prep-new-website
    As long as you’re not Facebook, Twitter or the Affordable Care Act, a redesigned website will never make national news.

    Today, that changes.

    Alert the presses, folks: Blueprint LSAT Prep has a brand new website — one that is somehow cooler-looking than our last one and loaded with a slew of new features. After a little maintenance, we went live this morning, so feel free to take the new site for a test spin. (Apologies ahead of time for any temporary bugs.)

    Here’s an overview of all the changes:

    It’s starts with the URL. Instead of, we can now be found at Same goes for Blueprint’s main email address; from now on, please send all queries to Don’t worry if you forget and accidentally try to access the old website or old email addresses. You’ll be redirected.

    The next important feature: free MyBlueprint accounts for anyone. Whether you’re just curious about taking the LSAT or are taking another LSAT prep course and need something more helpful, you can sign up for a free Blueprint account and utilize Blueprint LSAT Prep’s revamped self-study resources. These include taking and scoring a free practice LSAT, detailed LSAT score reports, advanced analytics to better determine your strengths and weaknesses, a smart LSAT timer to help you master timing on the exam, and a Law School Compass that allows you to pinpoint which law schools should be on your radar.

    The new MyBlueprint is going to revolutionize LSAT prep, so…it’s probably worth a gander.

    Find out everything you need to know about Blueprint LSAT Prep courses in our redesigned classroom and online LSAT prep course pages.

    We also upgraded our private tutoring page, where students can purchase one-on-one help, and redesigned our law school services section, where students can check out law school application workshops or purchase law school application packages.

    Finally, we’ve got a new about us section so you can find out more about the awesome folks who work at Blueprint LSAT Prep.

    So take the new website for a spin and let us know what you think. If you have any questions, feel free to post in the comments or email us.

    You know the address.

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