Is an Accelerated LSAT Course Right for You?

Do you have an LSAT date coming up soon? Short on prep time? Find out if an accelerated LSAT course is right for you.
  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: prepping for the LSAT is a marathon, not a sprint. You shouldn’t try to cram for this test! However, there are exceptions to every rule. That’s why Blueprint Prep offers accelerated LSAT courses for those exact moments.

    Our “traditional” LSAT courses usually last 12 to 15 weeks. Our accelerated LSAT courses run for around 4 to 8 weeks. If you’re wondering if an accelerated LSAT course is right for you, we have to defer to the default lawyer answer: it depends.

    Before you enroll, let’s take an honest look at the pros and cons of taking the “sprint” approach to your LSAT preparation. 

    Average LSAT Prep Time

    Before we get into that, let’s talk about the average time people spend on LSAT prep.

    Usually, LSAT students prep for about two to three months (longer if you’re juggling other responsibilities or are working full-time). Ideally, your LSAT study plan will allow you to spend 10-12 hours per week studying.

    However, LSAT prep is never one-size-fits-all. Accelerated LSAT courses were designed for people who may not want to or wouldn’t benefit from traditional longer courses.

    Pros of an Accelerated LSAT Course

    Maximizes “Off” Time

    The LSAT is a major time commitment. It requires dedication and daily practice. If you know you’ll have just a few weeks off of work or school, enrolling in an accelerated course is a great way to maximize that downtime!

    What else were you going to do for four to eight hours a day?  

    Great for Smaller LSAT Score Increases

    If you’re already fairly close to your target score and just need an extra handful (or two) of questions right to put you over the hump, then accelerated courses are the most efficient way to do that. They pack the biggest punch possible in the shortest amount of time.

    Essential for Deadlines 

    The truth is, some of us don’t realize we need to start prepping for the LSAT until it’s too late for an alternative. You may have even created a study plan and then never looked at it again. Life happens!

    Accelerated courses have your back! If you have to meet law application deadlines, a shorter LSAT course could get you ready in as little as one month.  

    Provides a Good “Refresher”

    If you’ve studied for the LSAT before (with a different course or on your own), you already have a baseline familiarity with the test. Taking an accelerated LSAT course is a great way to quickly remind yourself of the essential strategies for success, while also picking up new tips. 

    Great for Fast Learners

    We all go at our own pace, and that’s okay. If you find traditional classroom settings a little slow, then an accelerated LSAT course could be better suited for your needs. 

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    Cons of an Accelerated LSAT Course

    Shorter, but More Intense

    Prepping for the LSAT for four to eight weeks would mean less time studying, not more, right? Not really.

    With just one or two months to master a test consisting of dozens of different question types and almost as many different forms of reasoning, you’ll need to spend at least four hours a day, every single day, on prep.

    Students aiming to take the LSAT in just 4 weeks could even hit up to eight hours a day. If you tend to digest information at a slower and more deliberate pace, this faster approach can potentially hinder your performance.

    A traditional, longer prep timeline (three to 6 months) allows you to have shorter study days/week because you can spread your studying and practice out.

    Carries a Higher Risk of Burnout

    Spending up to eight hours/day on practice might make your brain feel like an overcooked noodle by the time the test rolls around. This can easily lead to unnecessary stress and burnout.

    Final Words

    And there you have it: a breakdown of the advantages and disadvantages of sprinting through your LSAT preparation with an accelerated course. By opting for an intensive program, you’ll be able to immerse yourself fully in the study material, meet approaching deadlines, and potentially expedite your progress.

    However, the speed of the course will require a significant amount of time and effort, leaving little room for breaks or flexibility. If you’re not prepared for it, you could jeopardize your performance.

    Ultimately, the decision to pursue an accelerated LSAT course should be based on your personal learning style, available time commitment, and overall goals.

    Blueprint LSAT has accelerated and traditional LSAT classes, as well as a Self-Paced Course, so you can choose the option that works for you. Get started today for free by creating a free LSAT study plan or signing up for a free LSAT class!