10 Mental Health Tips for Studying for the LSAT

  • /Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • The stress of worrying about your LSAT score range or other things to do to prepare for law school can take its toll on one’s mental health. To prevent even more stress on your mental health while going through LSAT prep, follow these tips:

    1. Find Community

    You don’t have to go through the test prep alone. Find a way to connect with others studying for the LSAT. We’re all in this together! When I was studying for the LSAT, I did it alone, and it got lonely. Studying with others can help you realize your struggles are normal, common, and surmountable. Some test takers could even compare notes with you regarding some sections of the test, such as reading comprehension and logical reasoning.

    You can find an LSAT prep community through a college pre-law club, the internet, or by joining a class that connects their students as we do here at Blueprint. 

    2. Breathe Deeply

    Whenever you take a break from your study schedule, don’t underestimate the power of a deep breath. Seriously, it’s been conclusively shown that taking deep breaths can lower your heart rate and feelings of panic. So, when the pressure of the clock is getting to you, take a few moments to breathe deeply. You can also do this when you finally take the LSAT  so you won’t blank out on test day.

    3. Get Outdoors

    Another thing you can do when you take a break from the LSAT practice test is to head outdoors. Ahh, the soothing power of nature. Studies have shown that spending time outside decreases stress and improves your attention span. So go out and take the time to smell the roses, literally.

    4. Move It, Move It

    I know for some exercise can be less than fun. Unfortunately, the positive effects of exercise on stress are indisputable. So, get moving if you can, whether it’s a jog around the block or (my favorite) a YouTube dance workout.

    5. Prioritize Your Beauty Sleep

    Sleep is closely linked to mood and the ability to concentrate. So, while staying up all night to study might feel like the right thing at the moment, chances are you are just setting yourself up for a worse time studying tomorrow. Start taking your sleep seriously and check out this article on how to get the best night’s sleep possible. 

    6. Engage in Some R&R

    Avoiding burnout is crucial to success on this LSAT test. Yes, consistent studying is necessary, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take any time off. We recommend at least one day every two weeks free from anything LSAT related.

    7. Stay Positive

    Yes, occasionally, you will take a practice test that will make you want to throw in the towel. Progress is not linear on the LSAT; some days, it will feel like you are moving backward. That’s why keeping track of your wins is so important. Make a list of the areas you have improved on and refer to it often.

    8. Put Premium Fuel in the Tank

    The LSAT is mentally taxing, and it’s essential to fuel your brain and body properly for this test. The effects of food on energy and stress levels are well documented. So, before you reach for those delicious but highly processed foods, check out this list of foods that are especially good for stress management. 

    9. Reach Out When You Need Support

    Everyone wants you to succeed on this exam, and nobody wants that success to come at the cost of your mental health. If you are struggling, let someone know. Whether it is your family, friends, your Blueprint Prep instructor, other test takers, or a professional therapist, don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

    10. Don’t Overemphasize the Stakes

    Yes, the LSAT is an extremely important test. Yes, you want to do as well as you absolutely can. But remember, your future as a successful lawyer will not be determined by any one factor, and a single testing day won’t make or break your career. You can even retake the LSAT if needed and be more thorough with your LSAT preparation. So don’t think of the exam as insurmountable. You’ve got this!