I don’t know about you, but when I was a new graduate I was initially unsure how to best obtain CME credits as a PA. Conferences seemed like the most obvious solution, but I suffered from a little known condition called I-don’t-know-how-to-negotiate-for-CME-funds-itis, which made conference attendance feel like an unattainable (and expensive) goal.
Many of the products on the market at the time were for students just about to take their PANCE or for individuals working on recertification. What about me? I was in that weird limbo period: lucky enough to not have a major certifying exam on the horizon but still in need of acquiring 100 CME credits every two years.
Enter: Blueprint PA’s CME Qbanks!
Blueprint has answered the call with their THREE new CME Qbanks for new grads and practicing PAs looking to expand their medical knowledge and gain CME, created and peer-reviewed by our wonderful team of PAs.
What’s Included?
All of our CME Qbanks contain the same detailed explanations, memorable illustrations, One Step Further questions, and Rapid Reviews that you know and love. You’ll also be able to correspond with our expert PA-Cs and education experts when you need extra support!

You’ll gain access to Blueprint’s personal analytics dashboard to help identify test-taking patterns (e.g., changing your answers), so when it’s time to recertify, you’ll be ready.

Explore Your CME Options:
1. Urgent Care Qbank
Blueprint’s Urgent Care Qbank is filled with 150 multiple-choice questions focusing on essential topics and common presenting concerns seen in the urgent care setting.
From skin rashes to dental pain and eye redness to joint pain, this Qbank is a great option for PAs currently practicing in urgent care who are looking to brush up on topics, PAs looking to switch into the specialty who wish to familiarize themselves with commonly seen conditions, or new graduate PAs hoping to strengthen their medical knowledge in the field.
Topics reviewed:
- Back pain
- Cough
- Dental pain and trauma
- Dysuria
- Ear pain
- Fractures
- Red eye
- Skin rashes
- Sore throat
- Sprains
- … and so much more!
⭐ Earn 15 AMA PRA Cat 1 CME credit(s)™ with the Urgent Care Qbank and retain access to all questions for one year after purchase!
2. Pharmacology Review Qbank
Blueprint’s Pharmacology Review Qbank is filled with 100 multiple-choice questions focusing on foundational pharmacology topics (you know, all the core concepts you tried to block out from didactic year). Review pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, mechanism of action, nomenclature, and commonly used medications.
This Qbank is a great option for PAs in all specialties who are looking to enhance their pharmacology knowledge and new graduate PAs hoping to solidify their understanding of pharmacology. Have you been feeling overwhelmed every time you need to prescribe a medication? Frantically reaching for a pocket pharmacology book or trying to gain cell service in your exam room for your pharmacology app to load during a patient encounter? This Qbank may be the one for you!
Topics reviewed:
- Adverse effects
- Commonly used medications
- Contraindications
- Drug monitoring
- Drug safety in older populations
- Mechanism of action
- Medications safety in pregnancy
- Pharmacogenomics
- Pharmacokinetics
- …and so much more!
⭐ Earn 10 AMA PRA Cat 1 CME credit(s)™ with the Pharmacology Review Qbank and retain access to all questions for one year after purchase!
3. Pharmacology Antifungals & Antibiotics
The Pharmacology Antifungals & Antibiotics Qbank is filled with 80 multiple-choice questions focusing specifically on antibiotics and antifungals. Review the ins and outs of the spectrum of activity of various drugs, refamiliarize yourself with beta lactams and echinocandins, and explore common indications.
This Qbank is a great option for all PAs who may care for patients with infectious disorders, prescribe antibiotics and antifungal medications, and especially for those who find they struggle with keeping them all straight.
Topics reviewed:
- Antibiotic resistance
- Allyamine derivatives
- Azole derivatives
- Carbapenems
- Cephalosporins
- Echinocandins
- Fluoroquinolones
- Macrolides
- Polyene antifungal agents
- Sulfonamides
- Tetracyclines
- …and so much more!
⭐ Earn 8 AMA PRA Cat 1 CME credit(s)™ with the Pharmacology Antifungals & Antibiotics Qbank and retain access to all questions for one year after purchase!
Final Thoughts
These Qbanks are a great way to fulfill your CME requirements from the comfort of your home, or when you download our app, when you’re on the go. Keep your test-taking skills fresh so you won’t be out of practice once it is time to take the PANRE/PANRE-LA.
Make sure to log your CME on NCCPA’s portal before the end of the year. And don’t hesitate to let us know what other CME Qbanks would you like to see from us in the future!