If you’re planning to take the MCAT® in 2020, you have a number of options when it comes to the time of year to actually sit for the exam. There are many factors that contribute to your ultimate decision of when the take the test. We have a post that will help you determine when to take the MCAT®.
Below, we’ve listed the dates for your reference. Note that you will always sit for the exam at 8 a.m. regardless of which date you choose. Also, some test dates tend to fill up a lot faster than others, so you’ll want to get a jump on registering for your exam date as soon as you have an idea of when you’d like to take it.
Test Date |
Score Release Date |
January 17 | February 18 |
January 18 | February 18 |
January 23 | February 25 |
March 14 | April 14 |
March 27 | May 1 |
April 4 | May 5 |
April 24 | May 27 |
April 25 | May 27 |
May 9 | June 9 |
May 15 | June 16 |
May 16 | June 16 |
May 21 | June 23 |
May 29 | June 30 |
June 5 | July 7 |
June 19 | July 21 |
June 20 | July 21 |
June 27 | July 28 |
July 7 | August 6 |
July 18 | August 18 |
July 23 | August 25 |
July 31 | September 1 |
August 1 | September 1 |
August 7 | September 9 |
August 8 | September 9 |
August 14 | September 15 |
August 29 | September 29 |
September 3 | October 6 |
September 4 | October 6 |
September 11 | October 13 |
September 12 | October 13 |
The AAMC also has an MCAT® schedule that you can download here for reference. Once you’ve chosen your test date, register for the exam.
As you prepare for your exam, the greatest gift you can give yourself is to take this test seriously. By that we mean that you should be sure to set aside a responsible amount of time to prepare. Just because your GPA is amazing doesn’t mean you should risk winging this exam. Be diligent, take a hard look at your strengths and weaknesses, and do your best to set yourself up for success come test day.
If you find you’re struggling with an area of the exam, our expert tutors are backed by 13 years of student successes, and are here to help you get your best score — whether you just want help in one area like CARS, or if you want to take a comprehensive look at your overall preparation.
Let’s do this!
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