Know Thy Shelf: Your Clinical Clerkship Mastery Series Online Course

  • Reviewed by: Amy Rontal, MD
  • At Med School Tutors, we’re passionate about helping students. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve developed our first online course for clinical rotations and shelf exam preparation that you can take at your own speed and time.

    At Med School Tutors, we’re passionate about helping students. We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve developed our first online course for clinical rotations and shelf exam preparation that you can take at your own speed and time.

    A group of our physician tutors collaborated to design our Clerkship Mastery Series, breaking down everything from optimizing resources, what to expect from in-person and virtual clerkships, clinical pearls and more.

    The rotations covered are:

    • Internal Medicine: presented by Dr. Moses Murdock
    • Pediatrics: presented by Dr. Eli Freiman
    • Surgery:  presented by Dr. Leah Gober
    • Family Medicine: presented by Dr. Annette Gawron
    • OBGYN: presented by Dr. Leah Gober
    • Neurology: presented by Dr. Michael Trainer
    • Psychiatry: presented by Dr. Michael Levin
    • Emergency Medicine: presented by Dr. David Delnegro

    Master Your Clerkships

    In addition to the video guidance from each of the physician instructors, you’ll also have access to exclusive rotation pocket guides and downloads to help you excel on the wards, score well on your shelf exam, and Honor each of your clerkships. Plus, you’ll get a head start on your preparation for Step 2 CK.
