Cram Fighter Demos USMLE Study Planning Tool at AAMC’s Learn Lead Serve Event in Baltimore

  • /Reviewed by: Amy Rontal, MD
  • Learning specialists and med students try out Cram Fighter’s upcoming additions and tools.

    Last month the Cram Fighter team embarked on a weekend long journey to attend the AAMC’s Learn Serve Lead conference in Baltimore. “We started driving from Boston at 5:30 AM,” said Jason Woods, Cram Fighter’s director of marketing. “We drove 8 hours, traveled 400 miles, and listened to 12 episodes of Serial to make it to AAMC.” We arrived, set up camp, and got ready for showtime. “It was an unique event that gave us the opportunity to meet face-to-face with med school administrators,” said Cram Fighter’s founder Amit Mathew. After a long journey, the Cram Fighter team was especially excited to share the new features on the horizon, like analytics and progress tracking tools, with the people who work with medical students everyday.

    During the AAMC event, the Cram Fighter team stood elbow-to-elbow with the giants of the medical school educational technology community. “We were welcomed by other ‘medtech’ leaders who were excited to see new faces in the industry” said Cram Fighter’s COO, Eric Wisch. The Cram Fighter team seized the opportunity to introduce leaders in medical school administration to Cram Fighter. “At AAMC, several administrators said ‘my students told me I had to talk to Cram Fighter!’ It seemed like many administrators had heard of our service, but had not had a chance to use the app,” Eric said.

    Eric Wisch A lot of administrators saw value in the analytics we provide, especially in regards to at-risk students

    Eric Wisch, Cram Fighter COO

    Although many administrators had heard the growing buzz about Cram Fighter’s study plans, the real impact came from the chance to try out the service for themselves. “We learned a demo is worth a million words. A lot of admins feel they are in the dark about how their students are studying,” said Amit. “We often heard ‘This is a huge pain point for me. I’m managing five, ten, even twenty students who are struggling each year, and I don’t have a good way to do it.’” Cram Fighter’s Admin Dashboard provides administrators with the opportunity to track what resources students are using, what pace students are working at, and how students compare to their peers in regards to their progress. The growing interest in the impact of time management and study planning on student success made Cram Fighter a natural fit for administrators and learning specialists. “A lot of administrators saw value in the analytics we provide,” Eric said, “especially in regards to at-risk students.”

    Amit Mathew We’re at the forefront of the edtech world. We match what’s on the horizon. And with the new features we are adding to Cram Fighter, these tools are right around the corner.

    Amit Mathew, Founder of Cram Fighter

    “Almost everyone could see a use for Cram Fighter” Amit said. In fact, one learning specialist remarked that Cram Fighter uses a surprising amount of contemporary educational technology techniques. “We’re using a lot of cutting edge principles without even knowing that these principles have a name,” Amit said. “We’re at the forefront of the edtech world. We match what’s on the horizon. And with the new features we are adding to Cram Fighter, these tools are right around the corner.”

    Cram Fighter’s attendance can be considered a success on all fronts! The results are 10 new Campus Heroes, meeting with learning specialists and administrators, and interacting directly with medical students from across the country. The overall positive feedback made this AAMC event well worth the journey from Boston to Baltimore.

    About the Author

    Erica Forrette is the former Director of Marketing at Cram Fighter.