Coming Up Thursday: A Law School Admissions Reddit AMA

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • BPPhank-lsat-blog-thursday-law-school-admissions-reddit-ama
    With the arrival of the new year, another spring of law school admission limbo awaits. Will you get into the law school of your dreams? Are you destined for one of your safety schools? Should you give it all up and move to Amish country?

    These are all pertinent questions you’ll need to ask as you send in your law school applications and await your fate.

    Luckily, Blueprint LSAT Prep is here to help.

    We’re hosting a Reddit AskMeAnything (AMA) on Thursday, Dec. 19, hosted by Blueprint LSAT Prep veteran instructor and Harvard Law grad Matt Shinners. Matt has been helping students get into law school for almost a decade and has firsthand knowledge of the law school application process. Just check out his awesome LSAT blog posts and his weekly “office hours” on Top Law Schools.

    So get your law school admissions questions ready for Thursday. We’ll have a blog post up Thursday morning with more details and a link so that you can submit your questions early. For more updates, be sure to “like” Blueprint LSAT Prep on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter.

    In the meantime, have a look-see at our first Reddit AMA from this summer to see how AMAs work (they’re basically really cool online Q&As).

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