5 reasons you don’t need an LSAT score guarantee

  • Reviewed by: Matt Riley
  • Over the years I’ve talked to several students about one of the boogie-people of the LSAT prep industry — the score guarantee.  The score guarantee is like your family doctor’s lab coat: it implies trust and expertise, but it really has not function.  Here’s why I don’t offer a score guarantee, and why I don’t think you should care about one either.

    1. It reveals something perverse about the big company business model. If you take a class with 20 people in it, a big prep company can pay you back your money and not sweat it.  In fact, it can probably give 10 students their money back.  This is because they are making a sick amount of money packing students into classes.

    2. You have to do a ton of homework — to protect the company. Next Step gives lots of homework.  Tons.  As much as you have time for.  However, its closely tailored to what each student needs to accomplish. If you’re already getting every reading comp question right, why would you want to slog through hours of RC homework just to stay eligible for a marketing program?  It’s a waste of everyone’s time and just adds a hurdle to jump through.

    3. Improving by one point isn’t hard. Simply working through practice tests should raise student scores by a single increment (1 point on LSAT, 1 points on GRE and GMAT), the guarantee given by one of the biggest prep companies.

    4. It shouldn’t matter to you anyway. If you get a bad score, will getting your $1,400 back really make a difference?  Pick someone you trust to help you through the study process. After that, work your butt off and get the score you need the first time.

    5. It justifies high prices. Corporate brands are always trying to figure out ways for you to trust them and their product.  With the score guarantee, they offer you something of almost no value and gain trust in return — for which they can jack up prices.

    Next Step Test Preparation provides complete courses of one-on-one tutoring with an LSAT expert for less than the price of a commercial prep course. Email us or call 888-530-NEXT (6398) for a complimentary consultation.

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